表演場雙週刊第十二期 - 「世界文化藝術節-北歐五國」系列: 港人在北歐 The Art Venue Bi-Weekly Issue 012 - World Cultures Festival: The Nordics series – Hongkongers in Nordics (20190815)

因藝術遇上良緣的香港女生-Teresa Cheung

Teresa肆業於中文大學人類學系,曾從事與文物保育及藝術顧 問相關的工作,及後遠赴比利時的魯汶修讀文化研究碩士課程, 現居冰島。

場主約在七、八年前,因工作關係在香 港認識Teresa,當時她在一家藝術顧問公司工作,十分了解香港的藝術品市 場,因是臉書友的關係,知道Teresa 後來移居到冰島,但一直未有機會了解 更多。這次因與康文署藝術節辦事處合 作,製作「世界文化藝術節-北歐五國」系列,其中想講講港人在北歐的小故事,便趁機邀請Teresa接受訪問。

表:你在什麼時候開始住在冰島?是什 麼原因令你由香港去到冰島?

T:三年前,在比利時完成碩士課程 後,隨即到冰島北部的山城藝術空間 (Listhús)實習,籌辦黑暗藝術節, 期間認識了外子,婚後定居冰島。


T:冰島的質樸,可見於自然環境及當地 人的個性。冰島人有一種渾然天成的藝術 氣質,三兩相聚暢談音樂和詩歌,或大夥 兒一起編織,是自然不過的事情。


T:在冰島,誰都可以是藝術家,也許因 為不少冰島人身兼數職,生活上的體驗豐 富了創作。而不論什麼形式,我總能感受 到冰島人的自信和直率,我甚至有點羨慕 他們,似乎沒有枷鎖能束縛這一份遠古的 純樸。

A marriage between Hong Kong and Iceland because of the arts – Teresa Cheung

A graduate of the Department of Anthropology of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Teresa worked as a consultant in cultural heritage preservation and the arts before obtaining her master’s degree in cultural studies from the University of Leuven, Belgium. She now lives in Iceland.

(TAV: The Art Venue, TC: Teresa Cheung)

TAV: When did you move to Iceland? Why did you move from Hong Kong to Iceland?

TC: Three years ago, I took on an internship at an art space called Listhús in northern Iceland after completing my master’s degree in Belgium. I met my husband when I organised the Skammdegi Festival and started living in Iceland after we married.

TAV: How do you compare Iceland to Hong Kong? What are the major differences?

TC: From its natural sceneries to its people, one can feel the purity and simplicity of Iceland. Icelanders’ artistic temperaments come from within. They enjoy talking about music and poetry or knitting together when they meet with friends.

TAV: Is the arts and cultural life of Iceland different from that of Hong Kong?

TC: Everyone can be an artist in Iceland! Many Icelanders have several part-time jobs at the same time, and this life experience enriches their creativity. Their works, in whatever art form, also reveal their confidence and honesty. I admire them for their unbridled, primeval purity and simplicity.

Winona Chan