2023 Taiwan Week - 兩廳院臺灣週登場 44位全球重量級劇場雲集 開啟臺灣與世界表演藝術的交流 The National Theater & Concert Hall launches Taiwan Week 2023, kicking off a week of showcase performances and open forums
照片提供:國家兩廳院 (攝影:周嘉慧)
國家兩廳院於4月9日至4月15日舉辦「2023 Taiwan Week-兩廳院臺灣週」,攜手大臺北地區5場館共同推出19檔作品,邀請來自14國,總計44位國際深具影響力的場館與藝術節
(新聞公佈)國家兩廳院於昨日(4月9日)至4月15日舉辦「2023 Taiwan Week-兩廳院臺灣週」,攜手大臺北地區5場館共同推出19檔作品,邀請來自14國,總計44位國際深具影響力的場館與藝術節代表齊聚臺灣。為期7天的活動,國際貴賓除觀賞臺灣作品,也參與公開論壇、趨勢交流會議、以及城市導覽等文化活動。Taiwan Week是近年臺灣表演藝術界規模與份量最盛大的國際交流盛會。企盼促成國際夥伴與臺灣藝術家及產業的交流與合作,並讓臺灣豐沛多元的文化藝術風景能在世界劇場的舞台上發光發熱。
國家兩廳院藝術總監劉怡汝表示:「疫情三年來,國際間經歷疫情、戰爭等動盪不安後,世界的界線在封鎖後終能重啟。我們在世界封閉的日子裡,仍保持開闊的心胸且持續蘊積能量,為的就是此時此刻,讓各位看見臺灣豐盛多元的創作動能。Taiwan Week期許成為兼具臺灣文化櫥窗與全球藝文網絡的交流平台,向國際劇場引介臺灣當代創作與藝術觀點的同時,也透過這個機會,讓臺灣的藝術家、全球的場館與藝術節夥伴深度交流。」
2020年兩廳院即啟動Taiwan Week計畫,然因疫情被迫延後,2021年改為線上交流。於疫情期間,兩廳院仍透過場館結盟、駐館交流等計畫,持續與國際夥伴展開多面向交流對話,去年度更獲邀加入由歐盟支持成立的「STAGES 永續劇場聯盟」,為14個機構成員中唯一的亞洲代表。2023年首度實體舉辦的Taiwan Week吸引了來自日本、韓國、新加坡、泰國、馬來西亞、香港、德國、美國、法國、比利時、澳洲、葡萄牙、捷克、匈牙利,14國家及地區,44位國際策展人、場館與藝術節總監來台參與。包含法國亞維儂藝術節(Festival d'Avignon)聯合節目總監瑪格達・畢莎和(Magda Bizarro)、澳洲阿德雷德藝術節(Adelaide Festival)協同藝術總監沃特・梵.瑞納斯貝克(Wouter van Ransbeek)、歐洲劇場協會(European Theatre Convention)主席暨比利時列日劇院(Théâtre de Liège)藝術總監塞吉.宏哥尼(Serge Rangoni)、美國喬伊斯劇院(The Joyce Theater)節目總監丹妮雷歐娜・吉(Danielle Leona Gee)、韓國首爾藝術節(Seoul Performing Arts Festival)/韓國表演藝術集會(Performing Arts Market in Seoul)藝術總監崔石奎(Kyu Choi)、新加坡國際藝術節(Singapore International Festival of Arts)藝術總監娜塔莉・亨奈德吉(Natalie Hennedige)、日本橫濱國際表演藝術會議(Yokohama International Performing Arts Meeting)總監丸岡廣美(Hiromi Maruoka)、泰國曼谷表演藝術集會(Bangkok International Performing Arts Meeting)藝術總監莎莎賓・希芮旺吉(Sasapin Siriwanij)。
為期7天的Taiwan Week,國家兩廳院與臺灣戲曲中心、牯嶺街小劇場、C-LAB臺灣當代文化實驗場、客家音樂戲劇中心、雲門劇場5場館共同規畫19檔,囊括多元類型、主題與規模的演出與片段呈現。包括TIFA台灣國際藝術節中由河床劇團與FOCA 福爾摩沙馬戲團合作的《夢與陰影》、導演黃郁晴受#Metoo運動啟發創作的《藝術之子》,以及布拉瑞揚舞團邀集ABAO阿爆、磊勒丹・巴瓦瓦隆共同打造的《我・我們》第一部曲;臺灣戲曲中心推出真快樂掌中劇團與導演王世偉合作的《壵》;牯嶺街小劇場策畫由為行為藝術家瓦旦塢瑪、曾啓明與江源祥聯合展演的《石.洞》;由蘇匯宇、劉奕伶合作的《The White Waters》以及狠劇場的《霧中・凝視》將於C-LAB臺灣當代文化實驗場登場;於客家音樂戲劇中心將演出微光製造的《捺撇》以及驫舞劇場陳武康與皮歇.克朗淳(Pichet Klunchun)共同創作的《野台羅摩》階段呈現。另外合作場館雲門劇場將呈現鄭宗龍《毛月亮》片段。期待19檔作品能展現臺灣表演藝術團隊們廣闊的視角,以及獨特的在地觀點。
國家兩廳院藝術副總監暨Taiwan Week 計畫發起人施馨媛表示:「臺灣一直是個文化多元,思想自由開放的國家,這座島嶼的民主養分也孕育出百花齊放的表演形式與藝術觀點,透過這19檔節目,我們用劇場探討文化與族群的身分認同、酷兒文化、女性運動、土地關懷,以及科技與社會等議題;演出形式也相當多元,除了當代舞蹈與戲劇外,也包括講座式展演、肢體劇場、當代偶戲、遊走式展演、以及結合VR、擬聲音效、打擊聲響等各式沉浸式演出。我們期盼Taiwan Week能成為世界認識臺灣文化與藝術能量的重要橋梁。」
除欣賞展演活動外,Taiwan Week安排了多場交流會議促進國際策展人彼此深度對話,如探討亞洲地區的藝術節如何串聯、發展新型態的合作模式;以及國際正在關心的議題與趨勢等,增進彼此的理解以及醞釀合作可能。4月12日更舉辦兩場公開論壇,由兩廳院邀請多位國際策展人一起以《表演藝術如何回應社會?》為題,叩問劇場回應社會的方式及可能性,如何與大眾對話。第一場主題為「節目策畫和藝術專案如何形塑正面的社會力量」第二場則以「如何藉由國際夥伴合作,推動共同追求的價值」切入,活動一推出,已有超過百人報名參加。
集結臺灣夥伴場館與團隊的力量,Taiwan Week 計劃每兩年定期舉辦,引介臺灣與亞洲當代多元的展演與觀點,期盼成為世界重要的展演平台,以及臺灣與亞洲藝術家通往國際市場的重要樞紐。Taiwan Week 於本週4月9日至4月15日正式展開。更多訊息詳見活動網站:https://reurl.cc/EGj4Xk
(Press release) Taiwan Week 2023, a biannual conference held by the National Theater & Concert Hall (NTCH), began yesterday, featuring a week of performances by Taiwanese performing arts troupes, as well as discussion forums with visiting representatives from prominent venues and festivals around the world.
The event, which runs until April 15 and takes place at various venues in Taipei, is the largest international gathering of its kind in Taiwan.
44 guests, representing venues and festivals from 14 countries, are taking part in Taiwan Week 2023. They have been invited to see a week-long series of special performances arranged by the organizers and to participate in discussion forums.
Taiwan Week was conceived in 2020 to showcase Taiwanese performing artists and their work, with the goal of helping them bring their productions to stages abroad. The conference also aims to encourage international collaborations and co-productions with Taiwanese artists.
"We have saved our energies for this very moment, one in which we are able to show the dynamism, abundance and diversity of Taiwan, and allow Taiwanese artists see the vast possibilities for them in the world," said Liu Yi-ruu, General and Artistic Director of the NTCH. "Taiwan Week looks forward to becoming a platform that serves as both an artists' network and cultural window. Our goal is to introduce compelling and important Taiwanese performances and perspectives to international theaters, and help Taiwanese artists and their counterparts to meet and engage in exchanges."
This will be the first ever in-person gathering for Taiwan Week, unlike the first edition in 2021, which was held entirely online due to the pandemic. During that time, organizers at the NTCH shifted to planning this year's edition and pursuing other partnership-oriented projects such as joining the EU-led coalition STAGES (Sustainable Theatre Alliance for a Green Environmental Shift).
Now, as the pandemic has finally subsided, NTCH organizers say they are looking forward to finally meeting its invited guests, which include curators, venue representatives and artistic directors from North America, Europe, Asia and Australia.
A special program of 19 performances has been arranged for the guests and other Taiwan Week participants to view. The productions were chosen for their "unique diversity and vast array of perspectives," says NTCH Deputy Artistic Director Shih Hsin-yuan, who initiated the Taiwan Week project. "These performances make use of the theater stage to explore topics such as cultural and ethnic identity, queer culture, women's rights, concern for the environment, and issues related to technology and society." (Please see below for a select list of performances.)
In addition to the showcase performances, Taiwan Week will also host two "open forums" on current issues relevant to performing arts venues and festivals around the world. These discussion forums are entitled "How arts programming and projects can have a positive impact on society" and "How to integrate international partnerships and highlight shared values through performing arts?" Visiting guests representing internationally-renowned venues and festivals will serve on the discussion panels. The forums will be held on April 12; registration is full as of this writing. (For more information, please visit the website link listed below.)
The performances and forums underline the conference's future aspirations, says Deputy Artistic Director Shih. "We look forward to establishing Taiwan Week as an important link between Taiwan and the worldwide performing arts industry," she said.
For more information on Taiwan Week 2023:https://reurl.cc/EGj4Xk