About The Art Venue performing arts Magazine
《表演場》是以表演藝術為主題的中英雙語獨立媒體,立足香港及台灣,聯繫世界。The Art Venue is an independent bilingual (Chinese and English) media focusing on performing arts and is based in Hong Kong and Taiwan, connecting with the world.
《表演場》是網上藝術雜誌,也同時出版印本。平台於2018年中成立,單月最高觀眾接觸率超過一百五十萬人。紙本雜誌於2019年3月首次出版,於港台兩地超過100個場地派發,每季發行一萬本,共出版三十期。The online platform was established in mid-2018 with a highest audience reach rate over 1,500,000 in a single month. The printed magazine was first published in March 2019 with over 100 distribution points in Hong Kong and in Taiwan with a circulation of 10,000 copies quarterly. The Art Venuer Performing Arts Magazine has a total of 30 issues.
《表演場》由創辦人全自資出版。The Art Venue is wholly financed by the founder.
Winona Chan
創辦人兼主編 Founder and Editor-in-Chief
Be a Cheerful Giver, be a Game Changer
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Art Venue Performing Arts Magazine, Winona is a cultural entrepreneur specialises in connecting people around the world and across different sectors.
曾策劃的重點活動 Highlight of key productions:
賽馬會「耆樂唱一舖」Jockey Club Yat Po ‘Happy A-ge-cappella’
香港與新導演電影周 The HK x New Directors Movie Week (近1,800入場人次 around 1,800 audiences)
2017 東區文化節‧藝文青藝術節 2017 Eastern District Cultural Festival – Garden of the Artisans Arts Festival (超過20,000人次參加 over 20,000 attendances)
「生命熱線」4.22 港島區賣旗日 SPS 4.22 Hong Kong Flag Day (超過900義工參與 over 900 volunteers)
「生命熱線」愛.喜.行慈善步行籌款 2017 SPS Charity Walk 2017 (近1,000名參加者 around 1,000 walkers)
「死神休假企劃 2016」(近1,000人次參加 around 1,000 attendances)
「生命熱線」7.30 九龍區賣旗日 SPS 7.30 Kowloon Flag Day (超過800義工參與 over 800 volunteers)
生命熱線廿載愛──慈善兒童粵劇飄香江 Charity Children Cantonese Opera Show
香港管弦樂團四十週年籌款晚宴 HK Philharmonic Orchestra 40th Anniversary Fundraising Gala
2015 文化領袖論壇 2015 Cultural Leadership Summit (超過300人參加 over 300 participants)
首屆香港藝術行政人員招聘日 Inaugural Hong Kong Arts Administrators Recruitment Day (超過600人參加 over 600 participants)
2014 文化領袖論壇 2014 Cultural Leadership Summit (超過300人參加 over 300 participants)
香港藝術中心三十五週年籌款晚宴 Hong Kong Arts Centre 35th Anniversary Fundraising Gala
香港藝術中心三十週年籌款晚宴 Hong Kong Arts Centre 30th Anniversary Fundraising Gala
現任職位 Current Positions:
(義務)愛麗絲劇場實驗室董事局成員 (Volunteering) Member of Board of Alice Theatre Laboratory
《表演場》創辦人兼主編 (2018 - 至今) Founder & Editor-in-Chief, The Art Venue (2018 - Present)
Cityline 香港首席顧問 (2019 - 至今) Lead Consultant, Cityline Hong Kong (2019 - Present)
過去職位 Previous Positions:
(義務)愛麗絲劇場實驗室董事局主席、Music Lab主席、聲蜚合唱節董事成員、藝土民間董事成員(官塘海濱創意空間「發現號」營運機構)、香港藝術發展局審批員 (Volunteering) Chair of Alice Theatre Laboratory, Chair of Music Lab, Board member, SingFest, Board member, HKALPS, the operator of Vessel (a creative hub at Kwun Tong harbour-front), Assessor of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council
W&U Creative 創辦人兼行政總裁 (2017 - 2023 ) Founder & CEO, W&U Creative (2017 - 2023)
一舖清唱項目總監(行政)Project Director (Administration), Yat Po Singers (2019 - 2020)
新世界設施管理有限公司顧問(青年廣場(活動推廣)及 City Cultural Circle) (2017 - 2019) Consultant, New World Facilities Management Co Ltd (Youth Square - Event Marketing & City Cultural Circle) (2017 - 2019)
生命熱線籌募及傳訊總監 (2016 - 2017) Director of Fundraising & Communications, Suicide Prevention Services (2016 - 2017)
香港管弦樂團高級發展經理 (2015 - 2016) Senior Development Manager, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra (2015 - 2016)
香港藝術學院兼職講師 (2014 - 2015) Part-time lecturer, Hong Kong Art School (2014 - 2015)
香港藝術行政人員協會總經理 (2013 - 2015) General Manager, Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association (2013 - 2015)
香港藝術中心 Hong Kong Arts Centre (2000 - 2007, 2010 - 2013)
香港藝術發展局 Hong Kong Arts Development Council (2008 - 2010)
安永會計師事務所 Ernst & Young (1997 - 2000)
Media interviews on The Art Venue
Artman 蟻文