第十五期 Issue 015
場主的話|Words from the Founder
封面故事| 以舞蹈對話 細說過去、當下與未來 城市當代舞蹈節 2019
舞蹈家Tero Saarinen與音樂家Kimmo Pohjonen 探索自身和彼此之間的界限
World Cultures Festival: The Nordics - Breathe
Choreographer Tero Saarinen and Composer Kimmo Pohjonen - Explore the emotional boundaries of people
芝麻羔 x 表演場 | 在指望中要喜樂;在患難中要忍耐;禱告要恆切。
Dreamergo x The Art Venue|Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer.