第二十三期 Issue 023
芝麻羔 X 表演場
Every word of God is tested; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him.
第4屆「賽馬會藝壇新勢力」 展現本地藝術重要價值 探索創作新可能
環球藝聞 International Arts News:
著名影星及舞台劇演員Dame Diana Rigg 病逝,享年82歲
Movie star and theatre actress Dame Diana Rigg died, aged 82
香港演藝學院公布宣佈委任蔡敏志為新任 校長,成為演藝創校以來首位女校長,明年一月履新
The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts has announced the appointment of Professor Gillian Choa as its new Director with effect from 1 January 2021
Taipei Music Center officially opened
六月的時候,還以為新冠肺炎疫情會稍 為緩和,殊不知,第三波疫情來到,由 七月開始演出場地再度關閉,直至九月 底才會再開放,供觀眾入場觀看演出。 由於各種演出及相關活動近乎零,香港 表演藝術界面對極大的影響。雖然不少 業內人士都努力想辦法,用不同形式繼 續為社會帶來不可缺少的藝文生活,但 畢竟受限聚令所限,以及網上演出的不 同限制,大家都只有無奈停止演出活 動。可是,受演期不斷更動所影響, 行政工作大增,不少中小型藝團忙得 頭昏腦脹。
業界都期待著表演場地於十月重開,但 還是非常憂慮,會再有第四波疫情,而 限聚令會再次收緊,令表演場地再度完 全關閉。場主跟香港表演藝術界同樣期 盼,假若再有新一波疫情來臨(當然極 希望不會),政府會考慮彈性處理表演 場地開放的準則,以免業界再次面對無 限期的全面停擺。
Words from the Founder
Everyone thought that the pandemic had pulled back in June, but then the third wave of COVID-19 came in July. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, the performing arts sector in Hong Kong has been facing a very difficult time. Even though many practitioners have strived to bring the arts and cultural life back to society, the implementation of social distancing policies and the limitations of online shows have forced the sector to cancel almost all of their performances and activities. In spite of that, due to the repeated rescheduling or cancellation of shows, the workloads of most small- and medium-sized arts groups have increased drastically.
The government has announced that its performance venues will re-open for public performances in October. While the sector is looking forward to this, it is at the same time wary of venues re-closing if a new wave of the pandemic comes (I hope not!). I am joining the sector to plead to the government for a flexible venue arrangement under the pandemic so that the sector will not be forced to halt working again.
Winona Chan
Founder & Editor-in-Chief, The Art Venue