沉浸式音響 × 舞台追蹤系統
Immersive sound × Stage tracking systems
Let's go beyond the venue limits
and explore the topic of creating and muting sound
with immersive sound effects and mechanical installations
對於作曲家/媒體藝術家梁基爵來說,發聲和失聲可以是一生探索的題材,前作《18種發聲與失聲的方法》就是直接了當運用M+ 大台階的地理環境和場地的優點和缺點,化作成製造和消滅聲音的靈感,再從這些發聲和滅聲的過程衍生出情節和不同的視覺效果。
Another 18 Ways to Create or Mute Sound would be a stage production based on the concept of a 30-minute showcase 18 Ways to Create or Mute Sound in late November 2021 at the Grand Stair of M+ of the West Kowloon Cultural District.
As a cross-disciplinary artist who is enthusiastic in exploring various ways to apply technology in stage productions, GayBird will further develop his idea by integrating technology such as tracking system into a grand mechanical installation in this production.
This time he will use real-time tracking techniques to respond to performers and musicians’ live performances on stage.
He will also take advantage of the venue’s immersive audio system, with his newly created instruments and performing techniques, to give audience a special and thrilling visual and audio experience.
Creative Director, Composer, Installation Designer & Performer 梁基爵 GayBird
戲劇指導 Assistant Director 陳瑋聰 Anson Chan
技術總監 Technical Director 馮海林 Allen Fung
林振傑 Lam Chun-kit
製作總監 Production Director 曾以德 Joyi Tsang
佈景設計 Set Designer 王健偉 Jan Wong
燈光設計 Lighting Designer 翁焯綸 Yung Cheuk-lun
影像設計 Video Designer 叄沾百各 3JBK
互動設計 Interactive Designer 林耀俊 Lam Yiu-chun
音響設計 Sound Designer 曾少康 Tsang Siu-hong
黃嘉俊Wong Ka-chun
機械車設計及工程 Robotic Car Design and Programmer 黃智銓Kenny Wong
機械臂程式開發 Robotic Arm Software Developer 黃嘉豪 William Wong
New Instruments and Robotic Arm Operator 馮穎琳 Fung Wing-lam
服裝設計 Costume Designer 張小美 Cheung Siu-mei
樂手 Musicians 李伊翱 Eyo Li
鄭美君 Emily Cheng
胡天納 Wu Tin-lap
陳域 Chan Vic
演出 Performers 胡日禧 Woo Yat-hei
梁儉豐 Kenny Leung
Auditorium, Kwai Tsing Theatre
29-30*/7/2022 (五至六 Fri-Sat) 8pm
31/7/2022 (日 Sun) 3pm
*30/7 設有演後座談 With post-performance talk
$420, $280, $150
節目詳情及購票 ticket.urbtix.hk/internet/zh_TW/eventDetail/43488
Programme details and ticketing ticket.urbtix.hk/internet/en_US/eventDetail/43488