日期:2018 年 6 月 21 日 | 下午 8 時
組合:SMASH (何卓彦,孫穎麟,黃家正)
繼上年度廣獲好評,樂迷引頸以待的 SMASH 今年再下一城,與香港大學及多名本地作曲家合作,帶來變幻莫測的原創聲音。動人出眾的色士風手孫穎麟、活力四射的口琴手何卓彥、技巧多變的鋼琴家黃家正聯手演奏,與樂迷一起盡情地 Smash 一場,感受充滿激情和火熱的音樂會!
Genre: Originals
Date: 21 June 2018 | 8PM
Venue: The Grand Hall, Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre, Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong
Ensemble: SMASH (CY Leo, Timothy SUN, KaJeng WONG)
Following the success of Pop Classics Jazz and Tribute to Modern Classics, SMASH will enter into the grounds of finding its original sound with authentic compositions by our team of composers and arrangers. The SMASH trio comprises of the most expressive saxophone tone, the most energetic harmonica performer, the most versatile pianist, and its engine of top players.
Widely anticipated for its next project, SMASH will continue its fire, energy and passion, translating these elements into a fiery and most exciting concert for our audiences in 2018.