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一條褲製作:《香港藝術的前世今生》 What About Art in Hong Kong ?





 Nowadays, Hong Kong is one of the most affluent cities in the world. Since the 70s we have evolved from cultural desert into one of the cities which has the biggest expenditure in art and culture. But has art really taken root in Hong Kong. Do we need art? What kind of art do we need?

West Kowloon Cultural District was born out of a dramatic past. In the beginning the Hong Kong government would like to have just one real estate developer to take up the whole area. Later three major conglomerates were formed to engage in fierce competition for this ludicrous investment. Due to ferocious public pressure, all the proposals were abandoned, and the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority was established.

Before this part of the history is completely forgotten, we endeaver to start a new documentary theatre work, based on the intricating course of development of the West Kowloon Cultural Development. Archival materials will be consulted, and interviews will be made, just with a wish to get an answer of the question, “What is the point of doing art in Hong Kong?



創作/導演  Creator/Director:胡海輝 Hoi-fai Wu 

創作/演出 Creator/Performer:
查國林 Kwok-lam Char
江浩然 Ho-yin Kong
譚安婷 Pearlmi Tam*
謝昊丹 Ho-dan Tse
葉興華 Billy Hing-wah Yip
阮韻珊 Melody Wan-shan Yuen

佈景設計 Set Designer:阮漢威 Leo Hon-wai Yuen  

服裝設計 Costume Designer:程凱雯 Cheryl Ching 

燈光設計 Lighting Designer:陳焯威 Octavian Cheuk-wai Chan

音樂及音響設計 Composer and Sound Designer:何子洋 Jacklam Ho

錄像設計 Video Designer:盧榮 Lo Wing 

*「香港藝術發展局戲劇人材計劃」是由香港藝術發展局資助 The Artistic Internship Scheme is supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council



13-15.12.2019 7:45pm

14-15.12.2019 2:45pm ​


香港文化中心劇場 Studio Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre

(粵語演出 In Cantonese)





我們近年致力發展「紀錄劇場」(Documentary Theatre)及「人種誌戲劇」(Ethnotheatre),我們大膽嘗試將此創作方式應用至本地議題上,成為本地劇壇先鋒,創作出《1967》、《本來沒有菜園村》等受歡迎劇目,成功吸納對社會議題熱切關注的固定觀眾群,令戲劇藝術與社會產生更緊密的關係。



Pants Production was registered as an organization in 1995; in 2012, it was incorporated and registered as non-profit company, renamed as Pants Theatre Production. Since 2015, Pants Theatre Production has become an approved charitable institution and trust of a public character under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112). Now Pants Theatre Production is a recipient of Three-Year Grant of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.

With a vigilant eye on our community and supported by rigorous research, our theatrical endeavor as an artistic response and contribution to our society pushes the boundary of theatre aesthetics. Ultimately, we strive to be a catalyst for social changes.

Our works have drawn inspiration from persons or events that have tremendous impact on the historical development of Hong Kong. We have also explored the relationship between individuals and the community.

In recent years, we have focused on documentary theatre and its close kin, ethnotheatre. Acclaimed original documentary theatre works include On the Record, Estate Agents, 1967, Once Upon a Time in Choi Yuen Chuen… and An Ethnodrama of Education; and translated documentary theatre masterpieces include Gweilo, Gross Indecency – The Three Trials of Oscar Wilde, The Laramie Project, its sequel and The Exonerated.

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