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#WFH Watch from Home: Satoko Ichihara “The Question of Faeries” (STAGE BEYOND BORDERS–Selection of Japanese Performances)

日本年輕劇作家及導演市原佐都子的作品《妖精的問題》。作為2018年KYOTO EXPERIMENT戲劇節官方單元上演之作,本作品通過一隻基因突變的蟑螂以及共生細菌的非人類視角,將顏值美醜、優生優育和產前診斷等超人類的問題勾連在一起,對人類的性與生命等主題進行了激進的審視。 全劇分為三個部分:第一部分名為《醜八怪》,採用落語形式 (rakugo);第二部名為《蟑螂》,採用演唱會形式;第三部分名為《芒格魯特》,採用怪誕研討會形式。

The playwright and director ICHIHARA Satoko cleverly examines some of society’s outcasts

Comprised of three different stories titled “Busu” (“Ugly Woman”), “Cockroach” and “Mangurt” (which she describes as “Yogurt made up of women’s bodily fluids”) that are each told either using Rakugo (traditional Japanese comic storytelling), song or a seminar style, ICHIHARA’s work casts light through her critical gaze and indiocyncratic, cynical jokes on the normally unseen lives of people on society’s margins.

Presented by: The Japan Foundation (JF) (

<Performance Credits>
Written and directed by: ICHIHARA Satoko (
Performers: TAKENAKA Kyoko, HYODO Mayo, YAMAMURA Takako (Seinendan)
Music Composer: NUKATA Masashi (Tokyo Shiokoji / Nuthmique)
Set design: NAKAMURA Tomomi
English Subtitles: OGAWA Aya
Dramaturge: YOKOBORI Masahiko
Stage manager: IWAYA Chinatsu
Lighting: KAWASHIMA Reiko
Sound Effect: SHIINA Kouji
Video: MATSUZAWA Nobuhiro, HORITA Sou
Company manager: MASUDA Yoshiki
Editor: SAKURAGI Yoshiyuki
Supported by: The Saison Foundation
Performed as part of KYOTO EXPERIMENT 2018 Official Program