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#WFH Watch from home: 黎海寧作品 《孤寂》 "Soledad" by Helen LAI @CCDC Art Channel

【節目表 Programme】17.6.2020 19:00 黎海寧作品 《孤寂》 "Soledad" by Helen LAI 🔎 20:50 「三拾以後」 線上座談 "30 Yea...

諾貝爾文學獎得主賈西亞.馬奎斯的著作《百年孤寂》以寫實的筆觸描述一個大家族的興衰起落,七代人生命迴轉的歷史故事,荒誕怪奇、角色眾多、關係複雜。編舞家黎海寧五年前與多才多藝的英國藝術家彼得小話(Peter Suart)聯手挑戰被這部文學巨著啟發,創作成舞台演出,為CCDC編創了長篇舞蹈劇場《孤寂》,用舞蹈演繹人間愛慾和權力鬥爭的因果,以獨特的場景和音樂風格營造個人與群體之間揮之不去的寂寞和空虛。


“Soledad” (Spanish for solitude), a new dance theatre inspired by the Nobel literature prize winner Gabriel García Márquez's novel “One Hundred Years of Solitude”, was the first collaboration between Helen Lai and the Hong Kong and UK artist Peter Suart. Between them, a world of love, desire, and power unfolded, a world existing within a great and inscrutable solitude.

CCDC Art Channel will be screening the dance theatre “Soledad” collaborated by Helen Lai and Peter Suart from 7:00pm, 17 June onwards. Please stay tuned for it!
——洛楓 《舞蹈手札》

The result is a succession of vivid fragments and is effective in terms of an impressionistic approach to the book. Choreography, music and Cheng Man-wing’s costumes evoke an intangibly South American feel. 
——Natasha Rogai, South China Morning Post
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