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#WFH 《一蓑煙雨 Through Mist And Rain》

最早從地水南音之《客途秋恨》做發想,逐漸發展過渡到蘇東坡的《定風波》之詞意。作品從傳統樂舞元素出發,以當代的手法去展現人在逆境中的情操、情懷與情義,也展現出所謂之氣度、胸襟與格局。作品首度發表於2019 年初夏展演,為30 分鐘版本。2020年,與文資學院建文所攜手,進行在地田野調查,作品做進一步的發展,成為一齣完整的作品。

The dance work “Through Mist and Rain” was originally inspired by a Naamyam music called “Song of the Exile”, and gradually immersed into the aesthetic meaning of Su Shi’s poem “Calming the Waves”. Embracing traditional music and dance elements with a contemporary perspective, “Through Mist and Rain ” shines the light on humanity in the face of adversity. The work premiered in 2019 in a 30-minute version. In 2020, field work has been carried out together with Graduate Institute of Architecture and Cultural Heritage, where research findings are drawn to further develop the dance and make it into a complete piece.


Programme details: