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#WFH Watch from home: Met Nightly Opera Streams Week 14 - Philip Glass


第十三週美國大都會歌劇院Met Nightly Opera Streams的精彩線上看,特別連續兩天為大家送上著名當代音樂家Philip Glass的兩個作品,《Akhnaten 法老王》以及《Satyagraha 甘地》!


🔹 Saturday, June 20 - Philip Glass’s Akhnaten

Starring Dísella Lárusdóttir, J'Nai Bridges, Anthony Roth Costanzo, Aaron Blake, Will Liverman, Richard Bernstein, and Zachary James, conducted by Karen Kamensek. From November 23, 2019.

Philip Glass’s mesmerizing masterpiece of ancient Egypt—in an ingenious production by Phelim McDermott that incorporates a virtuosic troupe of jugglers and acrobats—is unlike anything else ever seen on the Met stage and proved a sold-out sensation in its Met premiere last season. A portrait of the revolutionary title pharaoh, whose attempt to convert his society to the monotheistic worship of the sun leads to his overthrow, Glass’s opera takes a ritualistic approach to depicting the events, hypnotizing the listener with its repetitive yet immersive music.

🔹 Sunday, June 21 - Philip Glass’s Satyagraha

Starring Rachelle Durkin, Richard Croft, Kim Josephson, and Alfred Walker, conducted by Dante Anzolini. From November 19, 2011.

The second installment of Philip Glass’s so-called Portrait Trilogy of operas based on the lives of important historical figures—which began with Einstein on the Beach and concluded with AkhnatenSatyagraha dates from 1979 and is inspired by Mahatma Gandhi and his ideology of achieving change through peaceful protest and civil disobedience. With a libretto assembled using text from the Bhagavad-Gita, sung in the original Sanskrit, the opera has no concrete plot, instead layering various historical vignettes, political statements, philosophical musings, and parables to form a meditative work that is as much manifesto as music or theater.


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