表演場雙週刊第七期 -「明」偵探 The Art Venue Bi-Weekly Issue 007 - Hidden stories in postcards (20190606)



Secret Witness: Cheung X Wai

香港著名劇場導演林奕華,他的作品 一直以來都非常講究舞台美感,從舞 台設計、演員服裝、到宣傳品主視覺 圖,都給人賞心悅目的感覺。他早期 更與國際知名美術指導張叔平合作, 由張叔平負責視覺及舞台設計。

In the works of renowned theatre director, Edward Lam, theatre aesthetic is one of the key elements in the productions. From stage design, costumes, to key visual for marketing collaterals, every detail is aesthetically pleasing. Back in the 80s, he had the internationally acclaimed art director, William Chang Suk-Ping responsible for the visual and stage design of histheatre works.

誠邀讀者捐出與表演藝術相關的明信片。請將明 信片聯同姓名、電郵地址,信封面註明「明信片 徵集」寄送到:香港觀塘鴻圖道75號KOHO 6樓 騰訊眾創空間 (香港)表演場收

If you have any unwanted postcards related to the performing arts, we welcome your donation. Please send the postcards with your name and email address to the following and mark “Postcards Donation” on the envelope: Tencent WeStart (Hong Kong), 6/F, KOHO, 75 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Attn: The Art Venue)

Winona Chan