表演場雙週刊第十期 - 白紙(投稿): 沒有變的古城.多變的PQ2019
筆者早前參觀布拉格劇場設計四年展 (Prague Quadrennial,簡稱PQ), 出發前抱著好奇的疑問:劇場之於捷 克,為何如此重要?
本屆PQ的主題為「想像。轉化。記 憶 。 」 (Imagination. Transformation. Memory.),展場亦移師回整修完成的 布拉格工業宮。展演的形式亦不只限 於各參展國家和地區的舞台藝術和設 計的展覽,亦有涵蓋範疇甚廣的工作 坊、講座,以至各式各樣的舞台佈 景、燈光、服飾和音效/音樂展示。 世界各地的劇場人雲集於此,不約而 同都在尋找舞台上令人為之動容的靈光。
回到文章開首的疑問,筆者從一位澳 門偶劇團的朋友上載於臉書的照片得 到答案:你能想像一個國家領導人受 愛戴到被嬰兒用品店貼在櫥窗嗎?那 位就是捷克作家、劇作家及捷克共和 國前總統瓦茨拉夫.哈維爾(Václav Havel)。在那個以他命名的機場回程 路上,筆者彷彿仍感受到捷克那份從 劇場而來的活力和韌力:
“Hope is not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out.”
Václav Havel, Disturbing the Peace: A Conversation with Karel Hvíždala.
The views expressed in the above were the personal views of the author and should not be taken as the views of The Art Venue.
歡迎任何與表演藝術相關的寫作(400字以內)、插畫、相片、畫等作品投稿。請將作品聯同姓名、作品名 稱及簡介發送至info@theartvenue.net,標題請註明「白紙投稿」。獲選刊登的作品,創作者將獲薄酬港 幣一千元。
If you are interested in submitting your work (e.g. writing, critiques, illustration, drawing, photo, etc., that is relevant to the performing arts) to be featured here, please send your work to info@theart-venue.net (Subject: Blank – submission) together with your name, the name of the work, and its description. If your work is selected and featured in <Blank>, you will receive a fee of HK$1,000.