表演場雙週刊第八期 -「明」偵探 The Art Venue Bi-Weekly Issue 008 - Hidden stories in postcards (20190620)

誠邀讀者捐出與表演藝術相關的明信片。請將明信片聯同姓名、電郵地址, 信封面註明「明信片徵集」寄送到:香港觀塘鴻圖道75號KOHO 6樓騰訊眾 創空間 (香港)表演場收

If you have any unwanted postcards related to the performing arts, we welcome your donation. Please send the postcards with your name andemail address to the following and mark “Postcards Donation” on theenvelope: Tencent WeStart (Hong Kong), 6/F, KOHO, 75 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Attn: The Art Venue)


Secret Witness: Cheung X Wai

將癈置空間活化成為表演藝 術空間在歐洲是非常普遍的 事。位於德國柏林市中心米 特區的Schokoladen,現 時是一個另類文化空間,裡 面更有一個酒吧,前身是一 所廢置的朱古力廠。 Schokoladen主要舉辦音 樂活動,特別是獨立搖滾音 樂會,非常受到獨立樂迷歡 迎。Schokoladen每日由 晚上七時至早上六時營業, 實在是愛夜蒲人士的熱點。

Transforming abandoned buildings into cultural centres is very common in Europe. Schokoladen, located in Berlin-Mitte, is a cultural centre, with a pub, offers a variety of musical events like indie rock concerts. It is a former chocolate factory. Schokoladen opens daily at 7pm until 6am the next day and is a popular place for indie music fans and people enjoy night life.

Winona Chan