英國政府宣布防疫放寬措施 8月1日開始表演場地全面重開 Audiences back in theatres from 1 August
英國首相約翰遜(Boris Johnson)今天宣布,在遵守社交距離的原則下,觀眾將從8月1日起可以重返劇院、音樂和表演場所。
Audiences adhering to social distancing will be able to return to indoor theatres, music and performance venues from 1 August, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced today.
The announcement marks a major step in getting the arts and cultural sectors fully back up and running, and follows the government’s announcement of £1.57 billion of funding for the arts, culture and heritage sector earlier this month, the biggest ever one off investment in these industries.
同時,亦標誌著英國政府的專業表演藝術重新啟動5階段路線圖的第4階段。 在新體制下,觀眾、表演者和場所,仍而需要保持社交距離。
This announcement marks the move to stage 4 of the government’s 5-stage roadmap for the return of professional performing arts. Under the new regime, audiences, performers and venues will be expected to maintain social distancing at all times.
Guidance for the performing arts, published earlier this month, also sets out further measures to support the safe return of audiences, including:
Reduced venue capacity and limited ticket sales to ensure social distancing can be maintained
Tickets will be purchased online and venues encouraged to use e-tickets to reduce contact and help with track and trace
Venues should have clearly communicated social distancing marking in place in areas where queues form and adopt a limited entry approach
Increased deep cleaning of auditoriums
Performances should be scheduled to allow sufficient time to undertake deep cleaning before the next audience arrives
Performers, conductors, musicians must observe social distancing wherever possible