帝女花65周年跨界與延伸項目 Floral Princess 65 Transdisciplinary and Extended Events

無論是否粵劇迷,不少香港人總曉得唱 一兩句「落花滿天蔽月光」;即或未能體 會「江山悲災刧」的亡國恨,大概也略知 長平公主與周世顯淒美哀怨的愛情故事。《帝女花》彷彿就代表了粵劇,又或者是一般人的粵劇初體驗。

趁著帝女花65周年,為了讓大家從不同 角度接觸及認識這齣粵劇瑰寶,除了舞 台演出,重塑經典,紀念致敬之餘,桃花 源粵劇工作舍更會與不同單位合作,舉 辦多個跨界及延伸項目,為的是拓展、是 傳承,是探索作品的當代意義。

A fan of Cantonese opera or not, any local citizen will likely be able to hum a few lines of Floral Princess like “raining petals overshadowing the moonlight” (lok-faa mun-tin bai jyut-gwong). One may not exactly feel the grudge of subjugation expressed in “lamenting the calamitous country”, but will probably know of the tragic love story of Princess Coeng-ping and Consort Zau Sai-hin. Floral Princess seems to be the symbol of Cantonese opera, or everyone’s first experience in this art form.

On the occasion of the 65th anniversary of Floral Princess, in order to allow everyone to approach and get to know this gem of Cantonese opera, aside from stage performances, which remake and pay homage to a classic, Utopia Cantonese Opera Workshop further collaborates with different partners, holding many transdisciplinary and extended events, in order to bring further, to pass on, to explore the contemporary meaning of the work.

帝女花65周年展覽 Floral Princess 65 Exhibition

《帝女花》專業版、《拜將臺》、以及《帝 女花》學生版演出期間,觀眾除可憑戲 票入場欣賞戲曲之餘,更可參觀在西九 戲曲中心舉行的,由關注婦女的愛連心 基金籌籌的展覽,將會展出非常珍貴的 《帝女花》珍藏,以及給大家拍照留念的「打卡位」。

During the run of Floral Princess’ professional production, ArenA, and Floral Princess’ student editions, audience can present their ticket stub for entry to Floral Princess 65 Exhibition to be held at Xiqu Centre, West Kowloon Cultural District, besides enjoying the performance. This exhibition, curated by Les Beatitudes Foundation whose mission is to address women’s issues, will display very rare Floral Princess- related collections, and of course photo spots to take a special snapshot will be available.

《水波浪影像節|玩轉戲曲數碼在線 @帝女花65幻想》 Seoi-bo-long Video Festival - Impure Chinese Opera Experimentation @ Floral Princess 65 Fantasy

《水波浪節》是桃花源粵劇工作舍《帝女花》65周年項目中,唯一一個全線上播 放的影像節,並設學生組、公開組丶邀約 作品組參展。今日人人手機不離手,《水 波浪節》希望透過競賽鼓勵online互動 錄像創作,以結合粵劇、粵曲元素的創 作,運用手機拍攝長度1-5分鐘的影像 傳情達意(劇情或非劇情)。

Among Utopia Cantonese Opera Workshop’s Floral Princess 65th Anniversary events, Seoi-bo-long Video Festival is the only completely online event, a video festival divided into student, open, and invitational divisions. Nowadays, a phone is in everyone’s hand; Seoi-bo-long hopes to encourage online interactive video creation through a competition. Participants are invited to film a 1–5-minute video involving Cantonese operatic elements) with their phone to convey their ideas (narrative or non-narrative).

《長平影像65影集》 A Collection of Coeng-ping Images 65

由著名攝影師夏永康主理,《長平影像65影集》將廣邀攝影藝術家及不同領域、不同年紀的藝術工作者,以及城中 愛好攝影、形像設計的人仕,以長平公 主為繆思女神,幻想她由50年代戰後 至今天疫後重生,出現在你眼前的,會 是一個怎麼樣的感覺,怎麼樣的形象 的朱徽妮。

Convened by renowned photographer Wing Shya, photographic artists and a wide spectrum of artists of different disciplines and age groups as well as lovers of photography and styling, will be invited to participate in the production of A Collection of Coeng-ping Images 65. Princess Coeng-ping will be their Muses. It is a fantasy of her being reborn today after the pandemic from the post-war 1950s, an imagination of what impression and image Zyu Fai-nei would bring to your very eyes.

《落花滿天.管弦光影之旅│ 帝女花65周年跨界創意》音樂會 Raining Petals: An Orchestral Re-imagining Floral Princess 65th Anniversary Crossover Creation

帝女花65周年壓軸節目,是與香港管弦 樂團首度攜手呈獻《帝女花》的光影之 旅。以唐滌生先生(1917-1959)創作的《帝女花》為主題,全新編寫成大型管弦 音樂作品,並由香港管弦樂團現場演奏, 融合粵劇名伶任劍輝(1913-1989)與白 雪仙(1928- )當年風華絕色的演繹。由 吳國亮編織文本及導演、剪接電影片段與聲音;由李哲藝創作全新樂章,編寫成 交響詩;由香港管弦樂團駐團指揮廖國 敏帶領香港管弦樂團演奏,於2022年12 月香港文化中心音樂廳作世界首演。

The closing piece of the Floral Princess 65 festivities is a presentation of Floral Princess’ journey of light and shadow, a first time collaboration with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra (HK Phil). Based on the classic Floral Princess created by Tong Tik-sang (1917-1959), this brand new orchestral piece will be performed live by HK Phil, complemented by the exquisite on-screen interpretation by renowned acting duo Yam Kim-fai (1913-1989) and Pak Suet-sin (b. 1928). Director Rex Ng weaves together textual, video, and audio editing, while composer Lee Che-yi pens an original work of symphonic poem. HK Phil Resident Conductor Lio Kuokman will lead the orchestra in this world premiere at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall in December 2022.

Winona Chan