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大館舞蹈季 2019


24-27.10.2019 8pm

26-27.10.2019 3pm




費用: $280(成人);$196(全日制學生、60歲或以上長者和殘疾人士及其陪同者;數量有限,售完即止)



  1. 同時購買4齣不同節目,可享85折;同時購買3齣不同節目,可享9折;同時購買2齣不同節目,可享95折

  2. 同一節目每次購買4張或以上,可享85折;每次購買3張,可享9折

  3. 城市當代舞蹈團「舞蹈靈」及「學生舞蹈靈」會員可享9折

  • 遲到觀眾不可進場

  • 適合六歲或以上人士觀看

  • 節目全長約1小時

  • 英語演出,不設字幕


在毫不起眼的「地下」舞室,一群「夢幻舞團」的成員 ── 正值事業高峰的舞者、年屆六十的表演者、十年後重返舞台的物理治療師、面對新挑戰的單親媽媽和一位編舞家 ── 細訴著生活中與舞台上的理想、幻想和噩夢。以色列編舞家Dana Ruttenberg以既嚴肅又幽默的方式創作沉浸式舞蹈作品《夢想成真》,引領觀眾穿梭時空,感受舞者的瘋狂、喜樂與哀愁。



編舞及演出:Dana Ruttenberg

演出:Neil David Harris, Gilad Jerusalmy, Ofri Mantell, Inbar Nemirovsky

佈景設計:Zohar Shoef

燈光設計:Yoav Barel

服裝設計:Adi (Didoo) Sharaby and Noga Taragin

綵排導演:Melanie Berson

Dana Ruttenberg

舞者、編舞家及策展人。出生在以色列,於美國哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)考獲舞蹈學士學位,並於霍林斯大學(Hollins University)取得舞蹈藝術碩士學位。2000至2003年擔任紐約舞蹈團The Red Hill Project藝術總監,作品於美國及加拿大多個地方公演。

2003年回到以色列,自此成為以色列當代舞蹈的引領者之一,致力探索跨媒界藝術形式,以互動及創新的方式擴闊舞蹈領域,並於國際間參與不同製作及演出。她創辦兼擔任舞團Project 48 Dance藝術總監迄今七年,與導演Oren Shkedy共同創作多部享譽國際的舞蹈電影和錄像藝術作品。

Ruttenberg現任教於耶路撒冷音樂與舞蹈學院(Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance)。2013年獲頒文化部獎;2012年獲以色列特拉維夫市授予著名的羅森布林傑出青年藝術家獎。

24-27.10.2019 8pm

26-27.10.2019 3pm


Location | F Hall Studio at Block 17, TAI KWUN

Price | $280 (Adults); $196 (Full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above, and people with disabilities and their companion; limited quotas)


Tickets now available at Urbtix

Discounts (Only applicable to standard tickets)

1.     15% off for each purchase of 4 different programmes; 10% off for each purchase of 3 different programmes; 5% off for each purchase of 2 different programmes

2.     15% off for each purchase of 4 standard tickets of the same programme; 10% off for each purchase of 3 standard tickets

3.    10% for CCDC Dance Inspirations and Student Dance Inspirations members

  • No latecomers will be admitted

  • Recommended for ages 6 and above

  • The programme duration is about 1 hour

  • Presented in English with no surtitle


A dance revolution is waiting to be sparked from an ordinary “underground” ballroom!

Israeli choreographer Dana Ruttenberg put together a “Dream Team” with a seemingly ordinary but deviant gang—a 60 year-old performer, a “has-been dancer” physiotherapist, a single mother who seeks to return to the stage and a choreographer. In the ballroom, you are up close with the performers as they reveal their dreams, fantasies and nightmares. A sober yet humourous experience, we invite you to immerse into this party of madness, joy and sadness.


Production Team

Choreography and Performance: Dana Ruttenberg

Performance: Neil David Harris, Gilad Jerusalmy, Ofri Mantell, Inbar Nemirovsky

Set Design: Zohar Shoef

Lighting Design: Yoav Barel

Costume Design: Adi (Didoo) Sharaby and Noga Taragin

Rehearsal Director: Melanie Berson

Dana Ruttenberg

Israeli born dancer, choreographer and curator. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Dance from Columbia University and a Master of Fine Arts in Dance from the Hollins University. As artistic director of her NY based dance troupe between 2000 to 2003, The Red Hill Project, she has created works that showcased at various venues across the US and Canada.


Since her return to Israel in 2003, she has become one of the leading voices of contemporary dance in Israel, creating and presenting work internationally. Ruttenberg is dedicated to expanding the boundaries of dance as an art form through multi-disciplinary, interactive and innovative artistic explorations. She is the founder and artistic director of Project 48 Dance, now in its seventh year, and together with director Oren Shkedy she creates internationally acclaimed dance films and video art.

Ruttenberg serves on faculty at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance. She is the winner of the 2013 Minister of Culture Award. She was awarded the distinguished 2012 Rosenblum Award for Promising Young Artist by the municipality of Tel Aviv.