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Nordic & Hong Kong Band Sound Gala




表演場外特設北歐文創市集,觀眾欣賞音樂之餘,可選購特色美食及創意手作、玩乒乓、打卡...各適其適Chill一Chill !來共度充滿異國風味的周末吧!!


16.11 (六) 下午4時–9時30分


$360, $240, $180(指定座位)


17.11 (日) 下午3時–7時


$300, $200, $160(指定座位)

16.11 (六)
the prototyke lab (香港)
Eleanoora Rosenholm (芬蘭)
Jonathan Yang (香港)
Elifantree (芬蘭)
Milkmouth (香港)
Menke (瑞典)*
Einar Stray Orchestra (挪威)

17.11 (日)
Olivier Cong (香港)
Gyða Valtýsdóttir (冰島)
CTM (Cæcilie Trier Musik) (丹麥)
雞蛋蒸肉餅 (香港)
Pale Honey (瑞典)
JFDR (冰島)

*更換演出者: 因健康理由,Anna von Hausswolff(瑞典)未能參與11月16日的演出,並將由Menke(瑞典)替代,敬請留意。


Female vocalists hit a high note
Musicians resonate in stunning cross-cultural showcase

Take eight Nordic indie groups and five Hong Kong bands and what’s the result? A spectacular weekend of sensational sounds. With women performers to the fore, the overseas stars present their powerful songs of urban life alongside those of local musical heroes in an extravaganza ranging from rock’n’ roll to electro-pop.

Nordic food, drink, and cultural displays will also be on hand in this revelatory cosmopolitan rendezvous!


16.11 (Sat) 4pm-9:30pm

$460 (Unreserved Standing)

$360, $240, $180 (Reserved Seating)


17.11 (Sun) 3pm–7pm

$400 (Unreserved Standing)

$300, $200, $160 (Reserved Seating)


16.11 (Sat)
the prototyke lab (Hong Kong)
Eleanoora Rosenholm (Finland)
Jonathan Yang (Hong Kong)
Elifantree (Finland)
Milkmouth (Hong Kong)
Menke (Sweden)*
Einar Stray Orchestra (Norway)

17.11 (Sun)
Olivier Cong (Hong Kong)
Gyða Valtýsdóttir (Iceland)
CTM (Cæcilie Trier Musik) (Denmark)
GDJYB (Hong Kong)
Pale Honey (Sweden)
JFDR (Iceland)

 *Change of Artists: Due to health reasons, Anna von Hausswolff (Sweden) is unable to perform on 16 November and will be replaced by Menke (Sweden). Thank you for your attention.

For details: