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城市當代舞蹈節2019 CCDC’s City Contemporary Dance Festival 2019 - 《Re-Mark》


演出 城市當代舞蹈團

我們每一天都會不經意地留下點點痕跡,不論腳印 · 杯邊唇印,又或是略過腦海的畫面。它聯繫了人、物和歲月,讓你尋找自己,也讓別人尋找到你。
CCDC駐團編舞桑吉加的年度全新作品《Re-Mark》 延續他於2018年5月為意大利佛羅倫斯法比加藝術節開幕節目的創作意念,並將他對佛羅倫斯這座文藝復興城市的印象在全新落成的西九文化區自由空間再生,與CCDC舞者重塑香港這個變幻急速的面貌,為「城市當代舞蹈節2019」打開序幕!


—    桑吉加



場地: 西九文化區藝術公園自由空間


演出日期 / 時間
16.11.2019 (六) 8pm
17.11.2019 (日) 3pm
23.11.2019 (六) 3pm
23.11.2019 (六) 8pm
24.11.2019 (日) 3pm



HKD$300 (不設劃位)




編舞: 桑吉加

原創音樂: 龔志成

佈景設計: 王健偉

燈光設計: 羅文偉

服裝設計: 何珮姍

音響設計: 楊我華




City Contemporary Dance Company

Opening Programme

Performance: City Contemporary Dance Company

Every day, we leave behind many marks: footprints on the road, lipstick on the glass, images in another’s mind. These marks remind us of people who used to be around, things that once happened, years which have gone by. Sometimes, they take us to ourselves; sometimes, they bring others to us.

Re-Mark is a thought-provoking new work by Resident Choreographer Sang Jijia based on his research with Italian dancers and was first premiered at Fabricca Europa Festival in Florence in May 2018. In this new version that marks the opening of City Contemporary Dance Festival in November 2019, Sang continues his research on the relationship between body, spatiality and memory through his signature multi-faceted way. Together with CCDC dancers, he discovers the landscapes of culture and the mind as they echo the changes of times.

“After coming back to Hong Kong, two words popped into my mind,“Love” and“Care”. Re-Mark is about amplifying those emotions, reshaping and reforming them so that what’s left is the warmest part.

Something else that I’ve never thought about before is incorporating “facial expression” into my work. Isn’t that strange? Do you think people notice the expressions of the performers when they watch contemporary dance pieces? But this idea is always on my mind…”

Co-presented by West Kowloon

Venue: Freespace Art Park West Kowloon Cultural District


Show Date / Time
16.11.2019 (Sat) 8pm
17.11.2019 (Sun) 3pm
23.11.2019 (Sat) 3pm
23.11.2019 (Sat) 8pm
24.11.2019 (Sun) 3pm
Approximately 1 hour without intermission

Freespace, Art Park, West Kowloon Cultural District

HKD$300 (Free seating)




Choreography: SANG Jijia
Original Music: KUNG Chi-shing
Set Design: Jan WONG
Lighting Design: Lawmanray
Costume Design: Cindy HO Pui-shan
Sound Design: Anthony YEUNG



CCDC Resident Choreographer Sang Jijia has won numerous international dance awards and was awarded the Asian Cultural Council Fellowship to study in the US. In 2002, he was chosen by the Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative to study choreography under William Forsythe in Germany and remained at Ballet Frankfurt and the Forsythe Company as assistant choreographer and dancer. Sang returned to China in 2006 and, since then, has created a number of full-length works for BeijingDance/LDTX, Guangdong Modern Dance Company and CCDC. He has received commissions from famous dance companies across the world, including Carte Blanche (Norway) and Spellbound Contemporary Ballet (Italy). Sang is celebrated for his extremely physical and emotional movement language and his use of electronic music to interpret abstract concepts.