【#茶館劇場#TeaHouseTheatre】購買茶館劇場家庭套票,一家大小一同體驗茶館文化。Book your Tea House Theatre Experience with our family package offer (For English, please scroll down).
只需HK$720,即可購買包括兩張價值HK$318 的正價門票及兩張HK$159的優惠門票,共四張門票的「家庭套票」,與家人一同前來茶館劇場欣賞精彩折子戲,包括《#再世紅梅記》之〈脫穽救裴〉,由茶館新星劇團的年輕演員演繹唐滌生筆下的生死情緣,以及《#穆桂英招親》,展示楊家將男女英雄的風采。更有南音、牌子演奏、粵樂、粵曲等。演出輔以香茶點心,大家可邊品茶邊看戲,感受粵劇文化新體驗,共享天倫之樂。
Take advantage of our special family package deal for the Xiqu Centre Tea House Theatre Experience. For just HK$720, you can get 4 tickets (2 standard, $318 category plus 2 half-price, $159 category) and enjoy a wonderful evening out with your family.
Designed as an introduction to Cantonese opera, the Tea House Theatre Experience offers something for all tastes. The showcase excerpt performance demonstrates a range of vocal and music styles and is narrated by an expert moderator. Our latest programme consists of a selection of featured excerpts include a highlight piece from the popular classic “The Reincarnation of Red Plum”, and a romantic spar between the two young heroes from “Muk Kwai-ying Proposes Marriage”.
Concessions apply for senior citizens aged 60 or above, full-time students aged 6 or above, people with disabilities and a companion, and CSSA recipients. Learn more and buy tickets: http://bit.ly/2IwhsIG