大館劇場季 TAI KWUN THEATRE SEASON 再構造劇場《核爆後的快樂生活》(香港) “Happily Ever After Nuclear Explosion” by Reframe Theatre (HK) ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Could we still find happiness after a nuclear explosion?
Yan Pat To is the first ethnic Chinese playwright awarded by the Berlin Theatertreffen Stuckemarkt. In collaboration with dramaturge Dick Wong, Yan tackles another thought-provoking issue that is closely related to our lives through “Happily Ever After Nuclear Explosion”. A man and a woman from the nuclear contaminated areas emerge on stage. To evade isolation and social exclusion, they return to their hometown, presumably now a dead city. At the epicentre of the catastrophe, to their surprise, is a vibrant nature where animals live freely and flowers blossom, no more lives destroyed, and everything is bright and beautiful… ----------------------------------------------------------------------
遲到觀眾不可進場 No latecomers will be admitted 粵語演出,設英文字幕 Performed in Cantonese with English surtitles 本節目部分情節可能令人情緒不安及有吸煙場面,適合12歲或以上人士觀看 This programme contains contents which some audience members may find disturbing as well as scenes with smoking; recommended for ages 12 and above ----------------------------------------------------------------------
製作團隊 Production Team 編劇及導演:甄拔濤 Playwright and Director: Yan Pat To 戲劇指導:黃大徽 Dramaturg: Dick Wong 策劃及製作人:陳偉基 Curator and Producer: Felix Chan 演出:趙伊禕、施卓然 Cast: Zhao Yi Yi & Kenneth Sze 影像導演:丘智華 Video Designer/Technology Artist: Chiu Chih Hua 佈景設計:阮漢威 Set Designer: Yuen Hon Wai 燈光設計:歐陽翰奇 Lighting Designer: Au Yeung Hon Ki 音樂設計:史嘉茵 Music Designer: Sze Ka Yan 服裝設計:鄭文榮 Costume Designer: Cheng Man Wing 製作經理:李綻容 Production Manager: Lee Tsan Yung *此劇由德國慕尼黑Residenztheatre 委約創作,並於2018年6月首演德語版本。 This play is commissioned by Munich Residenztheater and premiered in June 2018 with German version. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 更多大館劇場季節目及優惠For more Tai Kwun Theatre Season programmes and discounts: https://bit.ly/30OQuUY