「戲劇在社會 : 第二屆紀錄劇場節」從不同角度入手,探索紀錄劇場 ; 其中多 項活動將於 2019 年夏季的「紀錄劇場月」接踵呈獻,內容包括 4 位來自英國、 美國、加拿大及澳洲的紀錄劇場先鋒的大師班及公開講座、3 場讀劇、2 場新進 紀錄劇場展演及 2 場放映會。
To explore the uniqueness of documentary theatre from various perspectives, “Theatre in Society: the 2nd Documentary Theatre Festival” will line-up multiple activities this summer, called “Documentary Theatre Month”. It included Master Classes and Public Talks by 4 pioneers in documentary theatre in UK, US, Canada and Australia, 3 Play Readings, 2 Showcases and 2 Screenings.