Art Direction & Design by Benny Leung @ / Photo © Michael CW Chiu
( 粵劇 X 西方戲劇 ) 關於新視野節目的小故事:在《老人與他的海》反璞歸真
(Cantonese Opera X Western Theatre) Know more about NVAF programme: Back to the basics in “The Old Man and His Sea”
新視野嘅fans對 #鄧樹榮 一定唔陌生,被譽為「簡約劇場煉金術士」嘅佢,同粵劇大師 #阮兆輝 破天荒合作,將海明威嘅小說改編並譜上全新粵劇曲詞,創作成為《#老人與他的海》。粵劇近年受西方文化、舞台科藝等影響有唔同嘅面貌。輝哥話:今次大家睇到嘅係最原汁原味嘅粵劇!
For NVAF fans, Tang Shu-wing would be a well-known name. Nicknamed the “Alchemist of Minimalist Theatre”, he will join hands with Cantonese opera master Yuen Siu-fai in “#TheOldManAndHisSea” – an unprecedented collaboration adapting Ernest Hemingway’s novel into #CantoneseOpera. Cantonese opera has been influenced by Western culture and stagecraft in recent years, branching out in various directions. Yet, Yuen tells the audience, "You will see Cantonese opera in its most authentic root in this production!"
Chinese opera is defined by its minimalist aesthetics without the use of elaborate stage design or props, and relies on the actors' artistry to command the stage. In this show, you’ll find Yuen on a stripped-down stage, captivating the audience with his powerful stage presence. Although based on an English masterpiece, this will be one of the purest Cantonese opera experiences you can get!
〚老人與他的海 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙊𝙡𝙙 𝙈𝙖𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙃𝙞𝙨 𝙎𝙚𝙖〛
◇ 10-11/11 8pm
◇ 12/11 3pm
◆ 葵青劇院演藝廳 Auditorium, Kwai Tsing Theatre
✦ 週末套票優惠 Weekend Package Booking Discount:
同時購買《 老人與他的海 》+《 INK 》/《 RAIN 》之正價門票,可獲折優惠。
20% discount for each purchase of full-price tickets for “The Old Man and His Sea” + “INK” / “RAIN”
——【𝟐𝟎/𝟏𝟎 - 𝟏𝟗/𝟏𝟏】——————————
新視野藝術節 New Vision Arts Festival 2023
▸All tickets (including stage programmes and fringe activities) NOW available at URBTIX
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春暉集 - 阮兆輝藝術舞台 鄧樹榮戲劇工作室 Tang Shu-wing Theatre Studio
Art Direction & Design by Benny Leung @ | Photo © Michael CW Chiu
#新視野藝術節 #NVAF #NewVisionArtsFestival #arts #artfestival #藝術節 #藝術 #文化
#YuenSiuFai #TangShuWing #Xiqu