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新視野藝術節 New Vision Arts Festival 2023 - INK

©️ Julian Mommert

❝ 美得叫人醉倒 intoxicating beauty ❞ ★★★★ ½ — KinoCulture Montréal

>> 𝙄𝙉𝙆 <<

▎ -- 成份 The Ingredients --

水 H₂O • 透明膠板 x 3 • 雙人舞 • 章魚

H₂O • plastic sheets x 3 • dance duet • octopus

▎-- 故事 The Story --

大師帕派約安努至今最私密嘅作品,融合繪畫/宗教/異形/希臘神話/暗黑奇幻等影響佢至深嘅元素,處理纏繞佢半世人嘅自身課題。漆黑嘅水宇宙入面只有帕派約安努,突然一位入侵者劃破寧靜,兩人展開角力與馴服嘅持久戰。佢哋係父/子、年輕/中年的我、愛人,定係外在的我/ 內心的我,就由你去解讀。

The most personal work of Papaioannou to date addresses the fears and desires that have haunted him throughout his life. You can find clues of paintings, religions, aliens, sci-fi, Greek mythology and dark fantasy that have long inspired him. In a pitch-black flooded universe, the solitary guardian Papanionnaou maintains its order until a young intruder disrupts the balance. They soon engage in endless dance-like push-and-pull, sometimes tamed and other times savage. Are they father and son? Lovers? The young self and old self? The personal self and social self? It’s up to your interpretation.

▎ -- 藝術家 The Artist --

迪米特里斯.帕派約安努 aka 希臘國寶級藝術家:視覺藝術家/插畫家/漫畫家 → 編舞家/劇場導演。佢執導2004年雅典奧運開幕同閉幕禮令全球矚目。繼 2019《偉大馴服者》巡演後再度訪港,𝙄𝙉𝙆 香港站場場親身上陣。

Dimitris Papaioannou drew worldwide attention as he directed the opening and closing ceremonies for his home country in the 2004 Athens Olympics. But before he shifted his focus to choreography and theatre, he was recognised as a visual artist, painter and comic artist. Hong Kong audiences last saw him in his sold-out show “The Great Tamer” in 2019, and this time he returns to dance on stage in every show.


◇ 9-10/11 7:30pm

◇ 11/11 3pm

◆ 香港文化中心大劇院 Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre

* 表演者變更:帕派約安努將參演所有場次,包括11月11日場次。哈利斯.弗拉古斯將不會參演。

Change of cast: Papaioannou will perform in all performances, including 11 Nov replacing Haris Fragoulis.