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「擊貫古今」敲擊樂示範講座系列 “Percussion in Time” Lecture Demonstration Series




2月1日 (三)





2月15日 (三)


             由Salsa 到演唱會樂隊

講者將會介紹及示範多種拉丁敲擊樂的樂器及拉丁音樂的Clave(基本節奏);亦會介紹獨當一面的Salsa Dance(薩爾薩舞蹈)文化如何對西方爵士樂、流行音樂和Motown Music(摩城音樂)的發展作出深遠影響;並示範和講解如何將拉丁樂器應用在爵士樂裏。


2月22日 (三)


             由街頭巡遊到New York Jazz Label 

爵士樂裡其中一個很重要的樂種就是Bossa Nova(巴薩諾瓦)。講者將會介紹和示範各種巴西樂器和巴西嘉年華巡遊鼓樂,講解其如何發展至紐約的爵士圈,並示範及講解巴薩諾瓦及森巴爵士樂。


3月1日 (三)



敲擊樂其中一個主要的樂器家族就是Mallets(片琴)。講者將會示範和講解Marimba(馬林巴琴)的祖先Gyil(一種非洲木琴),包括發聲原理和琴調,以及其歷史和社會功用;亦會講解和示範Gyil如何變成西方樂器裏的馬林巴琴。作為整個爵士流行敲擊樂系列的總結,講者會介紹和示範Ewe Drumming(艾維族傳統鼓)以及其影響世界各地音樂文化節奏的重要精神。




現除了是 maRK岩藝雅奇的鼓手及各種音樂表演外,樊氏更踏足幕前,擔任香港電台視點31《硬地音樂》主持,一連十集探討香港的獨立音樂。

樊氏致力發展敲擊樂的可行性和承傳,成立了專門為敲擊樂隊編製融合現代流行樂、爵士樂和百老匯音樂劇元素的 PE LAB (Percussion Ensemble LAB)。她也是多元化組合打尖 dǎ jiān及FANtastic Line 的創作總監、编曲、領班及主唱,積極推廣破格敲擊樂及爵士樂文化。








Besides the human voice, percussion is one of the sound instruments to first and foremost appear in human history.  Although it dates back to millennia ago, it is only in the last 100 years that percussion has really broken new ground and become widely played.  As technology developed, different percussion instruments around the world have gone through continuous development and improvement, evolving from their original role as the main instrument used in dances or rituals in ancient society into a wide variety of forms and making a complete transformation into a distinctive family of musical instruments.

Hosted by local percussionist Anna Fan, the lecture series will focus on the evolution and development of contemporary percussion.  Each lecture will be accompanied by live performance demonstrations to enhance the audiences' understanding of this music genre.


1 Feb (Wed)

Lecture 1: The Birth and Development of Drumset

                  From Flamenco, rumba to busking; from Guard of Honour to drumset in Bars

Can you imagine that the world’s first drum set was made up of marching drums and Chinese drums?  The talk will begin with a demonstration and explanation of the history and music of marching drums, include how it has evolved from the drums in Guard of Honour to drumsets in Bars.  It will be followed by an introduction to the drumset with demonstrations of various jazz styles.   The cajón is an indispensable instrument in busking, but its true purpose is for performing flamenco and rumba dance.  The speaker will introduce and demonstrate the techniques of playing flamenco, rumba, pop and jazz music on the cajón and explain how the instrument has evolved.


15 Feb (Wed)

Lecture 2: The Essence and Application of Latin Percussion in Popular Music

                  From Salsa to Concert Bands

The speaker will include demonstrations and explanations of various Cuban percussion instruments and claves in Cuban music, along with the profound impact that the free-spirited salsa dance culture has had on the development of Western jazz, pop and Motown music.  There will also be demonstrations which explain how Cuban instruments can be used for jazz.


22 Feb (Wed)

Lecture 3: The Jazz Side of Samba Percussion

                  From Street Carnival to New York Jazz Label

One of the most important genres of jazz is bossa nova.  The speaker will introduce and give demonstrations of various Brazilian instruments and the Brazilian carnival style of parade drumming, and explain how it made its way into the New York jazz scene.  The speaker will also give demonstrations and explanations of bossa nova and samba-jazz.


1 Mar (Wed)

Lecture 4: The Birth and Development of Marimba

                  From a Tree in a Village to a Concert Hall in a City

One of the most important families of percussion instruments is the mallets.  The speaker will give demonstrations of the Gyil, the ancestor of marimba, and explain the principle of sound production and key of the instrument, as well as its history and function in society.  To conclude the jazz pop percussion series, the speaker will introduce and demonstrate ewe drumming and an important spirit that has influenced the rhythms of musical cultures around the world.


Speaker and demonstrator:  Anna Fan

Since Anna Fan's return from Boston in 2010, she has been widely accepted in the Hong Kong music scene.   She has played in music festivals all over the world, and also very active in the local music scene, having performed with Laura Fygi, Eason Chan, Sammi Cheng and Hins Cheung, to name a few.   Fan is the composer and percussion advisor for highly acclaimed Detention by Tang Shu-Wing Theatre Studio since 2012.

Apart from being the drummer of jazz quartet maRK, Fan is also a TV show host for RTHK Channel 31 'Indie Music', a 10-episode series on Hong Kong's indie music scene.

Fan founded PE LAB (Percussion Ensemble LAB), fusing pop music, jazz, Broadway musical style, exploring the possibilities, and passing down the percussion art form. Fan is also the creative director, composer, arranger, leader and lead singer of “dǎ jiān” and “FANtastic Line”, pushing the boundary of percussion music and jazz culture.

(Information provided by the speaker)


Conducted in Cantonese. 

Each lecture will run for about 1 hour 30 minutes.

More details & ticketing:

The programme does not represent the views of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department.

The presenter reserves the right to change the programmes and subsitute speakers / demonstrators.