表演場雙週刊第三期 - 封面故事:我是劇場人 The Art Venue Bi-Weekly Issue 003 - Cover Story: I belong to the theatre
“I belong to the theatre.”
張志偉 Cheung Chi Wai
《表演場》將會跟張志偉合作,在《表演場雙週刊》開闢專欄,分享明信片中的劇場故事。同時,我們誠邀各位讀者捐出與表演藝術相關的明信片。志偉慷慨送出他的攝影集《Action Fingers》四本,首四位(以郵戳為準)捐出明信片的讀者,將會每人獲得一本。請將明信片聯同姓名、電郵地址,信封面註明「明信片徵集」寄送到下址:
香港觀塘鴻圖道75號KOHO 6樓騰訊眾創空間(香港) 表演場收
Cheung Chi Wai, “I belong to the theatre.”
Cheung Chi Wai began his stage photography and video documentation since 1993 and is one of the most celebrated young stage photographers in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Cheung continues to challenge himself by launching new projects and rethinking lifestyle.
He loves collecting performing arts postcard. From these postcards, he learns various aesthetic approaches and photographic composition techniques. At the same time, postcards tell stories of a performing group and its history.
Building a sustainable relationship between a photographer and a performing group is very important to Cheung, “A photographer should have their own style and works for a performing group that match with the style. If a photographer tries to change their own style to cope with different performing groups, they won’t get good pictures. An on-assignment photographer should develop a sustainable relationship with the group, so that they shoot according to their understanding of the performing group, the artistic director, and the actors.”
Cheung does not consider himself as a photographer but a theatre worker as he always involves in different aspects of the theatre sector. He started operating ‘Minim’, a space in Peng Chau, as a retreat sanctuary for artists five years ago. ‘Minim’ will put on hold later this year as Cheung would like to spend more with his newborn and to launch new projects to benefit to the art community.
<The Art Venue> will collaborate with Cheung to launch a new section about performing arts postcards in the <The Art Venue Bi-Weekly>. If you have any unwanted postcards related to the performing arts, we welcome your donation. The first four donors will be awarded a copy of Cheung’s first photo album <Action Fingers>. Please send the postcards with your name and email address to the following and mark “Postcards Donation” on the envelop:
Tencent WeStart (Hong Kong), 6/F, KOHO, 75 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Attn: The Art Venue)