表演場雙週刊第十期 - 「明」人飯局 The Art Venue Bi-Weekly Issue 010 - Win.Guest.Food (20190718)
Photo source: CY Leo Fan Page
嘉賓 何卓彥 不再離地的世界口琴冠軍
Guest CY Leo, A harmonica world champion, whose head is no longer in the clouds
心水餐廳 香港麗思卡爾頓酒店大堂酒廊
Restaurant The Lounge & Bar, Ritz Carlton Hong Kong
現年二十四歲的何卓彥(CY Leo),是香港著名年輕音樂家,於 2013年獲「世界口琴冠軍」名銜。今 年6月9日百萬人遊行後,他晚上到添 馬公園,現場吹奏著名音樂劇《孤星 淚》中的名曲─Do you hear the people sing?,給予在場人士精神上 的支持。由於CY Leo是極少數的年 輕音樂家之一,在最近的示威活動 中,有表達意見和親身以行動支持, 因此,場主特別邀請他擔任今次 《「明」人飯局》的嘉賓。
Twenty-four-year-old CY Leo is one of the most popular young musicians in Hong Kong. In 2013, he was named the World Solo Harmonica Champion, the youngest person ever to earn the title. At the Tamar Park during the evening of 9 June, after the protest of one million people in Hong Kong, CY Leo performed Do You Hear the People Sing? from the musical Les Misérables. He was one of the few young musicians who expressed their views about the protests.
陳: 最近的示威中,你是極少數走出 來的年輕音樂家,為什麼會選擇走 出來?
何: 音樂家一般都較離地,我自己從 前也是這樣。我們很專注練習演奏技 巧,但忽略認識世界上正發生的事。 因為對現在的情況先有感覺,所以會 去思考,再決定利用自己最擅長的事 情去支持示威活動。
由於自己是個公眾人物,我相信自己參與其中,並且在社交媒體做live, 會吸引更多人來支持。當然,作為一 個音樂家,作出這樣的決定,是將事 業和前途作為賭注,非常不容易。不 過,我認為藝術家與社會是有聯繫 的,應該要表態。
陳: 剛才你提到,以往自己都是一個 離地的音樂家,是甚麼改變了你的 心態?
何: 去年年底我遇上電話騙案。當時 的我真的很離地,只專注於操練音樂 技藝,沒有深入瞭解社會上發生的 事,所以才會誤墜騙局。這件事,令我對社會多了關注,同時也多讀了不同的書,去暸解人性,而我更發現, 這些經歷成為我創作的靈感來源。我 之前作曲不多,但過去這半年已寫了 六、七首歌,其中一首在6月13日寫的,叫Tear Gas。
作為音樂家,對我來說,藝術當然是 最重要的事。但是,社會的事與個人 的經歷,成為我的藝術生命一部分。 以往我著重追求技法,現在會更多探 索內容。我正在創作一個關於人性的 計劃,全部是自己創作的歌,善與惡 都會成為主題。
陳: 你有很多青年人樂迷,有甚麼話 要對他們說嗎?
何: 亂世之中要做好自己本分,不可 隨波逐流,要思考對與錯。做一個好 人,不只是自己的事,因為黑暗中的 一點光,與其他的光加起來便會變得 很亮。例如,我會努力做一個好的音 樂家,這是我自己惟一有能力控制的 事情。
CY Leo told The Art Venue thatmusicians always have their heads in the clouds – they spend most of their time practicing instead of learning about the world. Only when he was victimised by a phone scam last year did he appreciate the need to wake up and “tune in”. He began paying more attention to social issues and reading more books toenhance his understanding ofhumanity. As a public figure, he knew that his live videos on social media platforms would attract more people to join the protest. At the same time, he was aware that he was gambling with his career. Nevertheless, he decided that artists should be connected to society, and he stepped up.
CY Leo is now working on a project about humanity that features his original songs. He has already composed seven songs, one of which is called Tear Gas. The songs examine the good and evil of human nature and encourage young people to become better persons during these chaotic times. CY Leo has committed himself to be a better musician, as this is the only thing that he can control. He believes that the better people shine during the darker times. When all lights gather, they shine brighter.