第三十期 Issue 030

‘For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for prosperity and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.’


《表演場》表演藝術雜誌於2019年三月 創刊,轉眼之間,包括今期,總共出版了 三十期。過去三年的日子,受到新冠肺 炎疫情影響,表演藝術界大部分時間都 面對防疫下的社交距離措施,場館閉 館,演出取消,實在非常艱難。《表演 場》當然也大受影響,但非常感恩,得 到大家的支持,總算能捱到今天。

不過,由於營運壓力,以及場主已移居 外地,很無奈地在此宣佈,《表演場》將 會停刊。今期第三十期也將會是《表演 場》的最後一期。

趁此機會,場主再次感謝一路同行的伙 伴,包括各個曾經合作過的藝文單位、 芝麻羔、各個演出場地、各個派發點、 設計師Lemon101、運輸吳小姐一家、 協助採訪、撰稿、翻譯的朋友等等。同 時,希望疫情早日過去,各位平安健康, 生活愉快。

表演場 創辦人及主編

Words from the Founder

The Art Venue Performing Arts Magazine saw its first issue in March 2019. In the blink of an eye, we have seen the publication of 30 issues, including this one. Over the past three years, the performing arts world has spent a great deal of time weathering social distancing regulations, venue closures, and performance cancellations in the name of pandemic prevention. The Art Venue is no exception, but we are grateful to have made it thus far. Thanks to your support.

However, due to operating pressures, and the fact that the Founder has moved overseas, we regret to announce that The Art Venue will be ceasing publication.

The Founder would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have accompanied us on this journey, including those arts organizations with whom we’ve cooperated in the past, Dreamergo, various performing arts venues, distribution points, our designer Lemon101, the family of Ms. Ng in charge of delivery, and those who assisted with interviews, writing, and translation. Concurrently, we hope ardently for the end of the pandemic. We wish peace, good health and a joyful life to all.

Winona Chan
Founder & Editor-in-Chief
The Art Venue

Winona Chan