第二十九期 Issue 029

耶和華也必時常引導你,在乾旱之地使你心滿意足,骨頭強壯。你必像澆灌的園子, 又像水流不絕的泉源。
And the Lord will continually guide you, And satisfy your desire in scorched places, And give strength to your bones; And you will be like a watered garden, And like a spring of water whose waters do not fail.


轉眼間,一年又將過去。先祝大家聖誕 快樂、新年新希望。今期《表演場》的 內容,正好也是關於新與舊,有將經典 劇作《帝女花》重新製作的《帝女花 65》,也有將文學名著《台北人》中的 《金大班的最後一夜》改編成舞劇的 《最後一夜》。同時,會有《想像力研 究所》表演藝術×科技計劃的專訪,以 及介紹Cityline「撐港片網上直播影 院」推出的《100%香港製造動畫影 展》。不論你是傳統藝術愛好者,抑或 是追求創新的藝術愛好者,今期內容 都能滿足你。

快將踏入2022年之際,因為疫情與相 關的措施,以及國際局勢的變化,而令 人心不安。而世界各地的表演藝術同 業,仍然繼續面對著因疫情而帶來的衝 擊,尚未復原。即使是已經重開的美國 百老匯劇院區,有不少演出在開演後, 也因為發現劇組有人確診而需要縮短演 期,造成財務損失。

因此,場主的新年願望就是希望疫情早 日過去,各位平安健康,生活愉快。

表演場 創辦人及主編

Words from the Founder

In the blink of an eye, another year has passed. Merry Christmas to everyone, with high hopes for the year to come. This issue of The Art Venue happens to be about the new and the old, with a re-staged production of the classic work Floral Princess, titled Floral Princess 65, as well as a stage adaptation of “The Last Night of Madam Chin” from the literary classic Taipei People, titled The Last Night. At the same time, there will be an exclusive with the “Institute of Imagination" Creative Arts × Tech Proposals project, and an introduction of 100% Made in Hong Kong Animation Film Festival. Whether you're a traditional arts aficionado or a connoisseur seeking out innovation, the contents of this issue should tickle your fancy.

Our colleagues in the performing arts industry worldwide have been unable to recover from the impacts of the pandemic they continue to face.

Because of this, the New Year’s wish of me is that the pandemic will soon pass. Peace, health, and joyful days to all.

Winona Chan
Founder & Editor-in-Chief
The Art Venue

封面故事 Cover Story

帝女花65專輯: 傳承粵劇的門路與挑戰 Floral Princess 65 Feature: Avenues and Challenges of Passing Down Cantonese Opera

時代的變遷 流徙的故事

專題報導 Featured Story

Art Tech 兵工廠 當科技遇上表演藝術 Art Tech Arsenal - When Technology Meets Performing Arts

「100%香港製造動畫」陪您過節 免費送出500個影展通行證!

特約文章 Articles

談戲劇:與寺山修司「邂逅」 三部曲 - 兩個真紀與一個Seazer (下)On Theatre - A Trilogy of Encounters with Terayama Shūji, Two Makis and a Seazer (Part 2)

談音樂:香港能發展出像百老滙的音樂劇產業嗎?(下) On Music - Could Hong Kong Develop a Musical Industry Like Broadway? (Part 2)

Winona Chan