表演場雙週刊第五期 (20190509) -「明」偵探 The Art Venue Bi-Weekly Issue 005 - Hidden stories in postcards


Secret Witness: Cheung X Wai

優人神鼓是台灣一個表演藝術團體 , 前身為優劇場。優人神鼓自從 1988創團以來,即以木柵老泉山的德高嶺為基地,這裡是劇團生活、 訓練與創作的地方。創辦人劉若瑀 1988年創立「優劇場」,提出溯源計劃,掀起小劇場探源風潮。優人 神鼓首齣經典作品《聽海之心》受 到法國《世界日報》評為「法國亞 維儂藝術節最佳節目」。

Ever since its inception in 1988, U-Theatre’s has settled its roots deep and high up in the lush and rugged landscape of Laochuan Mountain an hour away from Taipei. Liu Rou-Yu, founder of U-Theatre, introduced the practice of searchingfor the very root of performing artand drawing out the spirit of eastern culture to Taiwan's theatre scene.

The “U” of U-Theatre is a phonetic transcript of a Chinese character meaning “excellence”. In ancient China, this word also referred to “professional performers”.

Winona Chan