第二十六期 Issue 026




經過幾個月的防疫閉館,香港表演場地終於在二月中重新開放,令各個演出能夠順利上演,實在令人興奮!場館開放後的第一個大型演出節目,是香港舞蹈團的《青衣》,而這個演出之後,香港舞蹈團亦踏入創團的40周年, 場主在此恭賀香港舞蹈團。


表演場 創辦人及主編

Words from the Founder

The inaugural issue of The Art Venue was published in March 2019. After two years, a total of 25 issues have been published. It is never easy publishing a magazine, not to mention having to do so during a pandemic. Thanks for your support! In order to enrich the content and continue to operate sustainably, starting from this year, the magazine will meet you quarterly.

After months of closure, Hong Kong’s performance venues finally reopened in mid-February. The first large-scale performance after the reopening was Moon Opera by the Hong Kong Dance Company, which is stepping into its 40th anniversary. Congratulations!

Although the pandemic has not ravaged Taiwan, global social distancing measures have still impacted Taiwan’s performing arts industry. Accordingly, NTCH and NTT have launched different projects to respond to and reflect on the future development of the industry.

Winona Chan
Founder & Editor-in-Chief


香港舞蹈團40週年開季節目《山水》 以舞蹈向傳統文化致敬
專訪 香港舞蹈團藝術總監楊雲濤

專題報導 Featured Story

莊梅岩的創作暗黑櫃桶 《聖荷西謀殺案》第四度重演

梁祖堯邀《全民造星III》冠軍Ben加入演喪屍專家 Mike Orange跟梁柏堅合作最好玩

Cityline 以成熟技術及專業經驗 服務香港 放眼世界
Cityline - Serving Hong Kong with technology, professional experience, and a global vision

聚焦香港 六個跨界演出匯聚獨特觀眾體驗


兩廳院以永續為目標 NTCH Promotes on Sustainable Development

NTT+成立邁入第三年 Celebrating Three Years of the Fruitful Outcomes of NTT+ Success

Winona Chan